You gave $239,151.73 to the Legacy Offering in 2024—thank you for your generosity!
Once a year, during the month of December, we bring a special offering – one that requires sacrifice and one that builds a legacy for future generations.
Through our annual Legacy Offering, we have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on each of our five Legacy Lanes.
Make a difference in someone's life
Jesus is building His church, and He is using every one of us. While we’ve accomplished so much together, God is giving us more vision and opportunities than ever before. As we continue to build God’s Kingdom, you have the opportunity to help share the love of Jesus with even more people in our community, our state, our nation, and our world.
Our church vision focuses on five areas of giving which we call our Legacy Lanes. A lane gives clarity, intentionality and focus. All lanes are unique in their mission yet all are focused on a single purpose.
PRISON FELLOWSHIP: Support programs such as Angel Tree, which helps strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and children, and helps support the families of prisoners year-round.
DEFIANCE DREAM CENTER: Their primary focus is to see hope restored and God’s designed purpose fulfilled in the Young Generation. Their goal is to help Defiance County Middle & High School students discover their purpose and develop a life plan.
LIFEWISE ACADEMY: Provide Bible-based character education to elementary school students in our local communities.
LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS: We believe that we are better together, so we continue to collaborate and partner with other local organizations and ministries, such as Defiance YMCA, Children’s Lantern, Ravens Care, Inc., etc.
ARC: We are continuing to partner with Association of Related Churches (ARC) helping train the next generation of pastors and planting new churches across our nation and world.
EQUIPPING STRUGGLING CHURCHES/PASTORS: Partner with Church Boom & The Respite to come alongside struggling churches to support, resource, and refresh leaders to prevent more churches from closing their doors to continue to reach people with the message of hope.
CONVOY OF HOPE: Partner with Convoy of Hope, responding with tangible aid and compassion to families during times of natural and humanitarian disaster
TRAFFICKING HOPE: We continue to partner with Trafficking Hope to eradicate sex trafficking across our country and world and have the hope of rescuing 50 girls in 2024.
BELIZE: Planting life giving churches, partnering with local ministries and missionaries, feeding programs, workforce development programs, prison ministry, medical care, and evangelist outreaches.
GLOBAL EQUIP: Equipping international ministry leaders to serve refugees, children, and those affected by crisis through poverty care and planting life giving churches.
ISRAEL: Empower local ministries in Israel to transform lives with the love of Jesus through our partnership with FIRM (The Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries).
FUTURE CAMPUSES & FACILITY ENHANCEMENTS: Continued expansion & investment into the ministry of Xperience Church
XPERIENCE KIDS & YOUTH: The most important thing we can do for our children is to teach them about Jesus. Our children and student ministries give them the opportunity to discover him and know him more, while growing up with other believers. We want to help them build lasting relationships with Jesus and one another, and equip and empower them to make a difference.
“So the next generation might know them—even the children not yet born—and they in turn will teach their own children.” Psalm 78:6
“Because I have set my heart on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house…who among you is ready and willing to join in the giving?”